THIEVES walked off with a two-feet-high brass cross from a church over the Christmas break.
They also stole two large brass candlesticks covered in semi-precious stones and a brass plate from St Mary's Church in Bishopsbourne.
SICKENED: Churchwarden Gill Applin and the Reverend Stephen Hardy by the altar GIBG20111231A-003_C
SECURITY: Churchwarden Gill Applin and the Rev Stephen Hardy are determined to keep St Mary's Church open despite the thefts GIBG20111231A-004_C.JPG
Canterbury. Theft from Bishopsbourne Church, nr Canterbury. The stolen small cross on the altar
TAKEN: The cross on the altar was stolen GIBG20111231A-006_C
Now vicar the Reverend Stephen Hardy is praying the haul will be found before it is melted down for scrap.
He said: "Police are asking everyone to keep their eyes open in case any church items are offered for sale. They are talking to scrap metal dealers.
"Whoever took it was quite careful ? they didn't tip everything all over the place. They would have needed a large holdall to carry it in.
"I don't have a clue how much it is worth but we are now just hoping it has not been melted down."
Sometime between Tuesday, and Thursday last week, the thieves walked into the unlocked church and climbed over a high wooden screen to reach the locked vestry where the valuables were kept.
Mr Hardy, who is also responsible for Kingston, Barham and Womenswold churches, said: "We are reviewing our security, but the police said if we put barbed wire along the top of the wall, we would be liable for the thieves' injuries, even if they were hurt while they were carrying out a crime.
"I still think it is important to have churches unlocked.
"People like to go in there and have some peace and quiet and some prayer."
The theft was discovered by churchwarden Gill Applin when she went in to clear away some of the Christmas decorations.
She said: "I noticed one or two things were amiss. The small altar was moved and the altar cloth was dishevelled.
"I felt very sick. The cross that was stolen had been standing in the church for many years because it was so heavy. But the insurers said we had to put it away so we did, and now it has gone.
"I still feel sick today that someone could do such a think. I was born in Bishopsbourne and they are all the things of my youth."
A brass book-rest, five small brass vases and a small brass candlestick were also stolen.
Police have increased patrols and spoken to neighbours in the village.
Detective Constable Jonathan Heard said: "To steal from a church is a pretty heartless thing to do. This will have been very upsetting for parishioners and we are keen to catch the offenders. When thieves target a church, they are targeting not just an historic building but a whole community."
Anyone with information is asked to phone police on 101 or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555111, quoting crime number ZY/4374/11.
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