Saturday, February 4, 2012

There are many conditions that can contribute to prostate cancer ...

What is Prostate Cancer and Are There Any Ways to Maintain a Healthy Prostate?

The prostate gland is part of a man?s reproductive system, and its main function is to secrete prostatic fluid, which is an essential ingredient in seminal fluid.? It also maintains normal urine flow and a healthy bladder.? Prostate cancer develops from overactive cells within the prostate gland.? This form of cancer develops slowly, and there are many symptoms that men may experience in the latter stages of the disease.

Some common symptoms of prostate cancer are frequent urination, difficulty urinating, painful urination, breaks in urination, bloody urine, bloody semen, erectile dysfunction and pain in the pelvis area, groin or lower back.? As stated above, since the disease does progress slowly, most men do not experience any symptoms until the latter stages of the disease.? However, some men have experienced symptoms in early stages of the cancer, as well.

If men have any of the above symptoms, it does not necessarily mean that they have cancer.? There are other conditions that cause these symptoms, as well.? Some of these other conditions include prostatitis and benign prostatic hypertrophy, which is a slight swelling of the prostate.? Neither of these two conditions are cancerous, but men should see their doctors regardless, if they experience any symptoms as listed.

For men to determine the true cause of their symptoms, they should see their doctor.? Typically, doctors only need to perform two easy tests to determine if prostrate cancer is the problem.? The first test is called a PSA test, and it is a simple blood test.? The second test is a digital rectum exam, or DRE, which only takes the doctor a couple of minutes to complete.

There are many conditions that can contribute to prostate cancer, with diet being one of the largest risk factors.? Men who consume a lot of food that is extremely high in saturated fats and preservatives are at a much higher risk for prostate cancer that those men who eat a healthy, proper diet.? African-Americans also have a greater chance of developing prostate cancer than other races, which might be because of their diets.

Another thing that can contribute to this disease is an imbalance of testosterone and oestrogen levels.? Typically, if doctors determine that this is a problem, they can prescribe hormonal treatments, such as administering oestrogen.

Genetics can play a role in the development of prostate cancer, as well.? If there is a strong history of the disease in a man?s family, his chance of developing it is much stronger than men who do not have a history of the disease.? Finally, while men of all ages can suffer from prostate cancer, the disease typically occurs more often in men who are over 50.

However, there are many things that men can do to maintain a healthy prostrate, and they do not involve surgery or prescription drugs.? Prostacet is a natural mixture of minerals, vitamins and herbal extracts that effectively helps maintain normal prostate functions.? Its unique formula has proven to reduce the size of the prostate and promote its overall health.

Prostacet is a safe and natural supplement that offers men an effective solution to maintain a healthy prostate.? Some of the potent ingredients in this supplement include Lycopene, Saw Palmetto and Vitamin E, which helps support normal flow of urine and healthy bladders.? Other ingredients include Selenium, Beta Carotene and Zinc Chelate, which feeds the man?s sexual organ, making it strong.

When a man?s prostate grows, it places excess pressure on their urethra.? As this pressure increases, it can become quite painful causing such symptoms as stated above.? About 90 percent of men over 60 experience some form of prostate problems.? However, when men follow a healthy diet, see their doctor regularly and incorporate Prostacet supplements into their daily regime, they can effectively maintain a healthy prostate and avoid any serious problems.



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